
AI Tools in Research

The Medical Library of the University of Bern offers a list of AI Tools with their advantages and limitations regarding their use in research. Suggested tools are: ChatGPT, Elicit AI Assistant Tool, Screening Tool, ASReview Screening Tool, Research Rabbit Topic Exploration, Consensus Topic Exploration.

When using AI Tools please be mindful of:

  • Limitation and biases of AI
  • Fact-check the provided information
  • Do not share confidential information
  • Document details of the usage
  • Seek advice and training
  • Disclose the use clearly and fully

If you need any support in the use of AI tools for your scientific literature search or academic writing feel free to contact:

More information on the website. 

Clinical Investigators II: Advanced GCP & clinical research training

This is a course which aims at providing especially Sponsor-Investigators and Principal Investigators with the knowledge to set-up their own project. Please note that as a Sponsor-Investigator you need to complete Clinical Investigators I and II. 

Course dates 2024:

  • Tuesday, 03. + 10. September 2024 (two half days): The course will be held online via zoom
  • Monday, 11. November 2024 (8.30-17.30): This course will be held on site at Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern

Please register for the courses in 2024 trough the website. Registration is possible until one week before course start.

There are other courses organized by the CTU. The courses are listed on the website.