Prof. Dr. med. Vincent Pernet

Group leader/PI

+41 31 632 30 76
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Anschrift / Kontakt

Universitätsklinik für Neurologie
Freiburgstrasse (Rosenbühlgasse 25)
3010 Bern


Short profile

Since October 2020, Dr. Vincent Pernet is a research group leader in the laboratory of Neuroimmunology at the department of Neurology of Bern University Hospital. His current research is focused on the mechanisms of neuronal degeneration, plasticity and repair in the central nervous system (CNS) after traumatic injuries and in inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Before being recruited at Bern University Hospital, Dr. Pernet has been a Professor of Ophthalmology at the University Laval in Quebec City, Canada, at the rank of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor (2014-2020). He has been deputy director of the retina and posterior segment division of the Vision Health Research Network of the FRQS, an important provincial health organization, and a member of the animal welfare committee of the University Laval. From 2006 to 2011, he has been a junior group leader and postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Martin. E. Schwab at the Brain research institute of Zurich. He has developed a research program on the role of the myelin-associated protein Nogo-A in CNS development and with strategies consisting of blocking Nogo-A to protect visual neurons in different injury paradigms, including optic nerve lesion, retinal ischemia and excitotoxicity. He also studied the molecular mechanisms involved in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced neuronal growth and survival during his PhD. at the University of Montreal under the supervision of Prof. Adriana Di Polo (2001-2006).

Curriculum vitae

Berufliche Tätigkeiten / Klinischer Werdegang

2020 Group leader/Lab lead, group of NeuroImmunology at the Dept. of Neurology, Bern University Hospital-Inselspital.
2020 Adjunct Professor at the Dept. of Molecular Medicine, University Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada. Regenerative medicine division at the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec Université Laval.
2020 Tenured Associate Professor at the Dept. of Ophthalmology, University Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada.
2019 Associate Professor at the Dept. of Ophthalmology, University Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada and FRQS Research Scholar Junior 2 (2018-2022).
2018 Vice-director of the retina and posterior segment division of the Vision Health Research Network of the FRQS (provincial health organization).
2017 Member of the animal welfare committee of the University Laval (CPAC/CPAUL3).
2014 Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Ophthalmology, University Laval, Quebec, Qc, Canada. FRQS Research Scholar Junior 1 (2014-2018).
2011 Junior group leader/Research Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Martin E. Schwab at the Brain Research Institute, ETH/University of Zürich, Switzerland.
2006 Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Martin E. Schwab at the Brain Research Institute, ETH/University of Zürich, Switzerland.


  • The Society for Neuroscience (SFN)
  • The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

Veröffentlichungen klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten

List of publications