Latest news

17. September 2018

Medical Research

24. March 2018

The Insel International Center

Insel International Center (IIC) is the first contact point for international patients who would like to be treated at Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. For many years patients from 150 different countries have valued the comprehensive service offered by Insel International Center.

24. March 2018

Our services

Insel International Center (IIC) deals with the administrative and organisational needs of the international patients who wish to receive medical treatment at Inselspital.

24. March 2018

Travel directions

Thanks to its central position Berne is easily accessed by public transport. The international airports of Zurich, Geneva, Basel and Berne coupled with the internationally well linked railway network guarantee that your journey will be comfortable and simple.

24. March 2018

Your stay with us

The team from the Insel International Center will be happy to help you and your family throughout your entire stay with us.

26. November 2015

ARTORG and Inselspital develop artificial pancreas

Artificial pancreas devices so far cannot compensate the daily varying food intake or physical activities of diabetes patients. The University of Bern, the Bern University Hospital and an industry partner have therefore set out to develop a more flexible device to continuously control patients’ blood sugar.

03. November 2015

Bern’s surgical procedure for brain tumours a world leader

A safety concept for removing brain tumours developed at the Inselspital leads to the best results for patients anywhere in the world, in honour of which it was awarded a prize at this year’s European Congress of Neurosurgery in Madrid.

28. October 2015

Software detects at-risk tissue following a stroke

The FASTER software developed in Bern can detect within minutes the areas of the brain that will be left with long-term damage following a stroke. The previous version – BraTumIA for tumour segmentation – has been in use around the world since 2014.

13. October 2015

Operation security: Less small talk can save lives

Good communication in the operating room prevents patient complications. This is proved by a Swiss study, recently published in British Journal of Surgery.

12. November 2014

Bern Software Analyses Brain Tumours at Lightning Speed

Faster than the doctor, but equally meticulous and free of charge: the Bern computer program BRaTumIA for the recognition of malignant brain tumours is proving to be an international hit.

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